School’s Out

Greetings Parents, Teachers, and TaxPayers,

School’s Out. Now our kids have three months to travel and explore what they have learned in school. While they are away, the District is already preparing for the 2012-13 school year. They are interested in feedback from our Community and now is the perfect time. We will post your comments with No Names to protect your shyness unless requested otherwise. The District wants to know what is good so they can continue strong support, and what is bad and needs to be terminated.

High on the list of ‘bad’ is the water situation at Jacobs Well Elementary. The District placed this sign in front of the school which is both deceptive and dishonest. It is an irksome twisting of the truth that sets a bad example for both our students and the Community.

Rainwater Harvesting was never part of the master plan for JWE and when the school opened huge public outcry forced them to backtrack and come up with an after-the-fact solution. Their solution was to collect runoff from the school grounds, parking areas, and driveways and pump it from a sump pond into a holding tank and then onto the school playground where the kids roll and tumble.

This is an abomination of the concept of rainwater harvesting. Like claiming the collection of water from city streets or the Houston Ship Channel is rainwater harvesting…… technically correct but not true.

The water in the tank and the soil of the school ground has never been tested for heavy metals found in motor oil and water-soluble chemicals washing off the driveways. The District claims they are ‘filtering’ the contaminants out.

Irrigation of the playground must be stopped immediately and the tank water and soil be tested for possible contamination.
The sign must be taken down immediately as gesture of honesty and responsibility.
Call the TCEQ at 512-339-2929 for info on their efforts on solving this problem.

There is one excellent roof at the JWE where uncontaminated rainwater can easily be collected.

See Photos Below, Terry Raines


Overall view of the area where runoff is being collected, with tank in background. The parking lot is filthy.

Clean rainwater could easily be collected directly off the large gym roof.


This muck running out of the dumpster area is another source of contamination, along with what appears to be hydraulic oil


Financial Shortfall


Greetings Parents, Teachers, & TaxPayers,

This past week the District called for a meeting to discuss the Financial Shortfall that our school and all schools across Texas face. The primary culprit is the Texas State Legislature and their incompetence to properly fund the public schools of Texas.

The result is that our District is under great strain to make ends meet. The Principal of Scudder Primary began with a 4.5 minute description of teaching positions eliminated, teachers working overtime filling several positions, the PTO doing an outstanding job providing supplies, half the air conditioning system failing, other maintenance problems, etc. Then in turn the other Principals of our District described the same scenario at each of their schools.

Our State Representative Jason Isaac was there to take it all in and promise to do all he could to get the State to provide proper school funding.

Aggravating the situation are the inept decisions made by the School Board over the years that have led to a number of million dollar construction mistakes. They should make sure that what problems remain are corrected not using taxpayers’ dollars.

In addition, an ongoing injustice will be amended. We have the finest teachers in the world who inspire in out kids that desire to learn and explore. They are paid between $37,500 and $54,648 per year. Some have moved here and taken a reduction in salary because they love Wimberley. Yet one teacher is being paid $96,668 per year. It is time for this to end. Extracurricular Activities should be paid for with extracurricular dollars and not our tax dollars.

Contact Jason Isaac to straighten out State school funding and contact the School Board to treat all teachers fairly and equally for their hard work.

Please forward this message to new subscribers.

Sincerely,  Terry Raines
